Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

Q. Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?

A. I believe that the famous are consistently prodded by the media. Ever since I was a little girl, I had always wondered why so many people would try and obsess over the famous men and women. Then I realized, many of these famous men and women actually put themselves out on "stage" and attempt to sell themselves-which in turn makes them money.  The simple rule of being famous? 

                     More publicity= More money. 

This rule allows for the invasion of their personal lives, as to obtain more income by selling who they are and what they do. For an unhealthy example; weight-loss magazines describe the journeys many famous women go through to make themselves super-skinny, which is usually in an unhealthy manner. Despite this, there are still other famous men and women that like to keep their privacy. 
The men and women that value their privacy feel prodded by the media, as their personal lives are put into books, online, or in magazines; sometimes skewering the truth to make the articles sound better. In actuality, many of the famous don't want their personal lives tossed about and used for economical gain, so they hide their secrets. Eventually, those secrets that aren't well-protected leak out, causing the famous person mayhem. 

All-in-all, those that need their privacy should get it, while those that want their lives on display should get that, too. When will the media figure this out? When will the drama ensue? 
You decide.